Interoperability Testing Platform (ITP)

A joint collaboration with IHE International, IHE Services, and NIST

Conformity Assessment Version Description
Patient Manager Patient Discovery (PD): Access for Patient Discovery (PD/xcpd) conformity assessment
NIST Toolkit 7.8.0 Query for Documents (QD) and Retrieve Documents (RD): Access to the NIST XDSTools Toolkit for Query for Documents (QD) and Retrieve Documents (RD) conformity assessment
Gazelle Security Suite Security Tests, TLS/Certificate debugging, TLS Simulators, syslog, and ATNA Questionnaire
EVSClient Access to Gazelle validation services for conformity assessment of CDA documents
FHIR US Core (All Versions) Test FHIR servers US Core v4.0.0/v6.1.0 using Inferno
Utilities Version Description
Single Sign On login (SSO) SSO
Administrative Tools Version Description
Gazelle Test Management Administrative Use Only: The Gazelle Test Management Test Bed
Gazelle Webservice Tester Administrative Use Only: Workflow simulator
Assertion Manager Administrative Use Only: Assertion Manager tool is used to stored the requirements on which the tests and tools are based. It also allows the linkage between tests, steps, validators and requirements.
Schematron Validator Administrative Use Only: Offers web services to validate XML messages exchanged in the context of IHE using schematrons
SVSSimulator Administrative Use Only: The Gazelle SVS Simulator, sharing Value Sets
CDA Generator Administrative Use Only: Offers web services to validate HL7 CDA documents