Conformity Assessment |
Version |
Description |
Patient Manager
| |
Patient Discovery (PD): Access for Patient Discovery (PD/xcpd) conformity assessment |
NIST Toolkit
| 7.8.0 |
Query for Documents (QD) and Retrieve Documents (RD): Access to the NIST XDSTools Toolkit for Query for Documents (QD) and Retrieve Documents (RD) conformity assessment |
Gazelle Security Suite
| |
Security Tests, TLS/Certificate debugging, TLS Simulators, syslog, and ATNA Questionnaire |
| |
Access to Gazelle validation services for conformity assessment of CDA documents |
FHIR US Core (All Versions)
| |
Test FHIR servers US Core v4.0.0/v6.1.0 using Inferno |
Utilities |
Version |
Description |
Single Sign On login (SSO) |
Administrative Tools |
Version |
Description |
Gazelle Test Management
| |
Administrative Use Only: The Gazelle Test Management Test Bed |
Gazelle Webservice Tester
| |
Administrative Use Only: Workflow simulator |
Assertion Manager
| |
Administrative Use Only: Assertion Manager tool is used to stored the requirements on which the tests and tools are based. It also allows the linkage between tests, steps, validators and requirements. |
Schematron Validator
| |
Administrative Use Only: Offers web services to validate XML messages exchanged in the context of IHE using schematrons |
| |
Administrative Use Only: The Gazelle SVS Simulator, sharing Value Sets |
CDA Generator
| |
Administrative Use Only: Offers web services to validate HL7 CDA documents |